Career Seekers
Your Northeast Tennessee American Job Center is the gateway to many services to assist you in finding sustainable employment. Here you will find professionally conducted workshops, receive information on filing of unemployment insurance or public assistance, get information on applying for HiSet training through local Adult Education services or connect with our local Title 1 training partners to help get you on the path to the career you desire.
Browse Job Listings
The Northeast Tennessee American Job Centers receive new job listings from local employers daily. Visit any of our locations to find the most recent job postings from employers in your area. We list job openings in a variety of occupations such as administrative, maintenance, business and financial operations, social services, information systems, food and lodging, health care, production, sales, distribution and others. You may also self-register on and search for jobs listed in our area or throughout the state of Tennessee.
Use the Resource Room
The Resource Room is equipped with state of the art computers for self-service but staff assistance is available for basic computer instruction. Access the internet for job search activities, use tutorials, research labor market information and newspapers plus more! The Resource Rooms provide a wealth of job search information in one convenient location.
Accessible computer technology is available to assist persons with disabilities in their job search activities in all job centers throughout the region. The Disability Accessible Workstations are adjustable to allow easy wheelchair access and keyboard positioning. Each has special software that is helpful to persons who are challenged by:
low vision or blindness,
learning disabilities,
physical or mobility impairments, or
deafness or hearing impairments.
Career Guidance
Do you have a plan? At the American Job Center, we have career specialists trained to give you the career guidance you need. Learn how to set goals and develop a personal plan of action. Learn what jobs are available in the local area and beyond as well as job growth trends and forecasts. Our training partners can assist you with applying for financial aid and finding other sources of funding to attend a training institution. Reach out to us today!
Explore Training Opportunities
Training is available on a limited basis to those customers who meet program eligibility requirements for occupations in demand. For more information, contact us here.
Skills Assessments
Learn about your interests, aptitude, basic skills, work values, personality and more. Assessments may be self-service or staff assisted, and they may be by pencil and paper or computer based. To know where you are will help you know where you can go!